Meet Friends of The Healing Bower
We are who we are, because of our friendships...

Lizzie Buscaino
Intuitive and Strategic Business Coach and
Founder of Piccolo Edible Flowers
Lizzie has a life time of experience building heart centred businesses from the ground up, and now she offers her wisdom to others; providing sound advice on building a successful business, and bringing your true self and purpose into the business plan, and public face of the business.
Lizzie's coaching helped me find the core of The Healing Bower, she helped me embed my values and purpose into this business and she was there to help me over every hurdle, from building an effective business plan to choosing colours and building this website. Her advice continues to be critical and indispensable to me.
Nalu Massage Training
Lomi Lomi
Debbie McRobie (Aunty Deb) is a qualified and heart-centred massage trainer who goes the extra mile for her students. Deb delivers detailed, hands-on training in Lomi Lomi Massage, Lava Shell Massage, Aromatherapy and Reflexology.
Aunty Deb has been my cheerleader from my very first Lomi Lomi to today. She is made of pure aloha and sunlight and I am truly blessed to have her in my life. Also her Lomi course Bliss Balls are too delicious!

The Bridge Between
Psych-K Balance Healings
Bianca is many things; psychic medium, clairvoyant, caring, intelligent and also my sister. I might be biased but she's a bit awesome.
B lives in Childers but visits SE Qld all the time and can be booked for Psych-K sessions, Akashic Records Soul Purpose readings, and she has a special talent for house and property clearing.
The Cheer Squad
Awesome people live in the world - I have proof!
Thank you to all the people who cheer me on, from the early days of building my first small business - Greenspace Creative - and into my metamorphosis as The Healing Bower.
So much love for your constant support!
Allie Reynolds
Incredible writer of thriller fiction, and possibly the nicest person I've ever met. Read her books!
Jade Hopely-Reiche
Visual artist and photographer.
Jade is my go-to photographer, crafternooner and margarita champion.
Laura Gorree-Shaw
Small Business Owner, Saver of Puppies and Lover of Chickens.
Laura is an energy force, she somehow convinces you that you can do anything and you find yourself doing the impossible and loving your new life. If you want to make the world a better place, you can support Luke and Laura's Muffin Break at Tweed Mall, and Adopt from HappyTails Animal Rescue.
Deb Bullions @ Spirit Quest
Psychic, medium and channel with a lifetime of experience, Deb has been a guide and mentor for me over the years and continues to support all of her students and colleagues through spiritual guidance, events and training that occur through the Spirit Quest School on the Gold Coast. I can recommend Deb and her excellent psychic development courses!